They denounce that the money that the City of Barakaldo has given to MTV is greater than the declared
  • The Washington City Council disbursed 220,000 euros for the act of the U.S. multinational, according to the Prosecutor’s Office today. The PSE-EE of Barakaldo has denounced that this figure should be supplemented by the free services provided: 43 municipal police officers working at the concert on 29 October, cleaning services, public works and advertising.
Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2018ko azaroaren 09a

Mayor Amaia del Campo (PNV) said that public aid from the City Hall of Barakaldo to the MTV channel is EUR 220,000. On Thursday, the PSE-EE of Barakaldo reported that this information "is not true" for the Government of Navarra. In addition to this, the cost of the works of local police, cleaners and municipal workers was added, as well as the free publicity carried out during the financial year of 29 October of the multinational. They denounce that the money is "a lot" because the City of Barakaldo has not signed any agreement with the multinational and has not even been an organizer of it.

“Only Bilbao has been mentioned,” added Barakaldo’s PSE-EE members. The mayor of Barakaldo stressed that the arrival of the MTV was going to be a "unique opportunity" to spread Barakaldo's image. Not a single mention of Barakaldo was made at the central event, nor in the acknowledgements. The Socialists have stated that the PNV "once again has lied to the citizens and underestimated them".


EH Bildu denounced this Wednesday that the multinational MTV did not pay taxes on the organization of the Herriko Plaza concert on November 29, which the City Hall has "forgiven". The City Hall of Barakaldo organized everything, so there was no need to ask for permission. Therefore, the Abertzale coalition denounced that the town hall dedicated the town center to "private interest services", that MTV's activity is "male and hypersexualized" and that "encouraged" the consumption of alcohol and drugs.