The City of Barakaldo will not appeal the judgment of the Basque requirements of the subcontractors
  • The Council of Euskalgintza requests that an appeal be made on the ground that the judgment goes against municipal legislation.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko urtarrilaren 03a
Argazkia: Wikipedia

Please note that the City of Barakaldo will not appeal the judgment of the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country because, according to legal experts, there is no “legal basis for appeal”. The Council of Euskalgintza thinks exactly the opposite. The Council has sent a letter to the mayor of the PNV, Amaia Del Campo, requesting the appeal because the judgment is “very weak”. He explains that the Tribunal’s resolution is based on a 2014 judgment, but does not take into account the Municipal Law of 2016 and the Development Decree of 2019. “The current legislation allows for linguistic clauses that guarantee the rights of all citizens. More specifically, the judgment did not take into account the need to include in jobs personnel trained to work in the two official languages.”

Council Secretary General Idurre Eskisabel made statements in connection with the new attack on the Basque country: “Although the public service is provided by the private company, the citizen still holds all rights, including language rights. Therefore, it must also guarantee the rights of the Basques, so it is perfectly legal and legitimate for the administration to require the knowledge of the Basque in the contracts to guarantee the rights of all citizens”