About 200 people report Barakaldo's fascist attack
  • “We are clear that this attack has clear political connotations,” said the Ezkerraldea Antifaxista group, in connection with Tuesday’s attack.
Ilargi Manzanares 2023ko uztailaren 07a

Andeka Jurado suffered a fascist attack in the San Vicente de Barakaldo neighborhood on Tuesday, near the bar he manages. He received a knife under his heart. Juror is good because it was a superficial cut. The aggressor was arrested the same day. Ezkerralde Antifaxista has held a protest to reject the aggression on Thursday under the motto "Auzoz auzo auzo, fascism ubera" and have gathered close to two hundred neighbours.

The Cruces Hospital has already released the jury with seven staples. He attended the Thursday rally and denounced the aggressor. Jurado confessed to the Anti-Fascist Network that the aggressor was part of a "fascist group of moteros" and that his brother was "a famous Nazi from the neighborhood."

Ezkerralde Antifaxista denies the mayor's version

In the concentration they reject the version of Amaia del Campo, mayor of Barakaldo by Ezkerralde Antifaxista: They say the Mayor has declared the attack "for a debate" and from the anti-fascist group they are clear that "the attack has clear political connotations".