Cynical complaints by banks
  • The Bank of Spain has launched a cynical message: It appears that it is concerned about the future of the young people of the Spanish State, under 30, who have left unemployment and precariousness as their legacy.
Juan Mari Arregi 2021eko apirilaren 29a

The bank says it regrets that the pandemic has worsened the conditions that were previously bad. Therefore, they have difficulty finding work, accessing housing and emancipating themselves from families.

Truly cynical. Because while complaining about the future of young people, it hides what is happening in the banking sector, which is its area. The Spanish State Bank, which in twelve years has eliminated 100,000 jobs and accumulated many millions of profits, now closing thousands of branches, is trying to eliminate more than 18,000 jobs in other banks. Furthermore, what it does not say is that these banks have been rescued with billions of euros from public coffers, specifically with 40 billion.

It is also silent in the face of the arms business being carried out by the banks, one of the main shareholders of the group. According to official data, this industry broke the world record in 2020, despite the pandemic, with nearly two trillion dollars spent on weapons, 2.6% more than the previous year. The Spanish State spent EUR 17.4 billion, while this year’s budgets provide for military expenditure over EUR 21.6 billion. The military expenditure of the French State was also considerable last year: EUR 50,100 million

If they are so concerned about the situation of young people, banks can give access to the thousands of homes they have at their disposal, considerably reduce mortgages, withdraw billionaire executive bonds, repay ransom money and devote their profits to promoting decent employment.

They are, of course, nothing more than the cynical complaints of those who support the current capitalist system.