To discuss the relationship between banks and the arms industry, they have invited: Tica Font (Centro Delas de Estudios por la Paz), Ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak and Gasteikoak Talde Antimilitarista. SETEM, Fiare, Oi Credit and Jordi Calvo (Centre Deles) will present anti-militarist citizen initiatives by the KEM-MOC, Bake Ekintza Antimilitarist and Emakumeok Borroka collectives, and finally, by feminism and antimilitarism by the Suetar Elkartea collectives.
The conference is organized by SETEM Hego Haizea, Ethical Finance and Anti-Militarist Action with the institutional funding of the City of Donostia, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and the Basque Agency for Development Cooperation.
They want the citizens of Donostia-San Sebastian to be informed and denounce the relations between the arms companies and the banks that do so. What do banks do with our money? You're going to answer the question. The intention is for citizens to know that there are banking alternatives that do not use their savings to support the militarisation and manufacture of weapons in the world.