The Balmaseda fire is under control in the Bizkaia area
  • After spending the night dominating the fire, the situation in Bizkaia is under control. Starting in the afternoon, it should tend to reduce the risks, as according to Euskalmet the wind will tend to relax. The fire has spread to the north of Burgos (Spain), when the situation is worse.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko urriaren 24a
Argazkia: Bizkaiko Basozainak

The high temperatures, wind and aridity of the earth caused a fire on Saturday in Balmaseda (Bizkaia). In particular, the fire emerged in the forest of Arbalitza, near the border with Álava, and spread to the surrounding area. In Bizkaia, in addition to Balmaseda, Zalla and Goredexola have also been affected, with the most unfavourable conditions currently being found in northern Burgos (Spain). The Government has sent the material and personal resources there, once the situation in Bizkaia has been controlled.

The fire on Saturday was controlled by Sunday, but Sunday winds caused the situation to get out of control. According to the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, 77 firefighters have worked from Sunday to Monday night around Balmaseda. Although the situation is once again under control, the Bizkaia Forest Guards remember that Monday will be a very high-risk day. According to statements by Onda Vasca in the early morning of Monday, the director of Emergency and Civil Protection of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, Pedro Izaga, the surroundings of the neighborhoods of Basoaga and Malwrap de Zalla are the ones that generate the most concern, as the local fig tree is the easiest to control. Starting in the afternoon, it should tend to reduce the risks, as according to Euskalmet the wind will tend to relax. However, the fire will "be long to extinguish", the firefighters have recalled.

It is estimated that the fire has burned more than 500 hectares. The news reports that the fire has burned three dwellings and have had to remove at least twelve families from their places of residence. They have been taken care of in the sports club of Balmaseda and almost everyone has been able to return to their homes, there is only one family that is still unable to return. In the Burgese villages of Bortedo and Antuñano they have also had to evacuate a number of people during the night of yesterday. The situation has also been affected by the cutting of roads: It has been necessary to cut the BI-636 between Zalla and Balmaseda, as well as the A-624 at the height of Artziniega, in the limit with Burgos.

The Bizkaia Fire Brigade has broadcast the recorded video for the fire extinguishing: htps://