Annulled the candidature of Maiorga Ramírez to chair EA
  • The guarantees he has presented have not been accepted by the party ' s Electoral Board, which has met with the spokesmen. Ramirez described the decision as "scandalous" and denounced that all members of the committee are "from the official sector".
Euskalerria irratia @fm983irratia 2019ko urriaren 15
Maiorga Ramirezek Karlos Garaikoetxearen babesarekin aurkeztu da EAren idazkari nagusi izateko lehiara

In order to qualify as Eusko Alkartasuna Secretary General, you must obtain the guarantee of at least 50 participants and members of the training. Maiorga Ramírez, President of EA in Navarre and EH Bildu’s foreign parliamentarian, has submitted a total of 400 proposals. According to the Party’s Electoral Organization Committee (AHA), at least five representatives must be presented for each territory (taking as territorial scope Navarre, Álava, Gipuzkoa, Bizkaia and Iparralde). Ramirez has presented seven representatives of Ipar Euskal Herria. But the AHA has rejected five of them and annulled Ramirez's candidacy. Ramírez himself denounced that in early October the EA Securities Commission withdrew the requirement to submit five guarantees per territory, and that at the request of the militant census, it was refused twice. In this way, he will file a complaint with the party's Securities Committee, which will report on it. The other candidate for the General Secretariat, Eva Blanco, has submitted 60 endorsements and, as she is the only candidate, if there is no change, she will be the new EA Secretary General.