Peace process, social reintegration
  • Bake Bidea, Harrera and Coist organised a conference on 25 June, in which the "reintegration" of Basque political prisoners within the framework of the peace process (we believe they will refer to Basque and Irish political prisoners, as well as the "peace process" in Euskal Herria and Northern Ireland) will be discussed.
Jon Iurrebaso Atutxa 2019ko ekainaren 21

At the expense of the Social Democrats, of those who behave like Tibians, of the bureaucrats and, in general, of those seeking personal well-being, we have often said that “we have been born to many to see” among us in internal debates on general and particular economic policy and on the political line to be developed. Even if they are considered Basque, Irish, Basque, Spanish or as such.

In a short space of time, we will be talking about a "peace process". In Euskal Herria, at least by the end of 2009, we were assumed that the political-military struggle was outdated, and that this was the main reason and contradiction for not advancing the process of national and social liberation, so it was fair to leave the monopoly of violence in the hands of the state (capital) and that adult Basque society should address a dynamic of disobedience.

No disobedience. Here is the support for the PSOE-GAL and the agreements with the Basque and Spanish bourgeoisie of the PNV on the preamble of the new Spanish autonomous pact, although the Basque Socialist State cannot be achieved, and all that in less than ten years.

This dynamic would achieve what the Basque National Liberation Movement had not been able to achieve in the last 60 years. In other words, and in order not to say everything at once, to achieve the main objectives of national and social liberation through the magical pole of democracy, the democracy of the system we are dealing with and exploiting.

In short, nothing of disobedience, nothing. Here is the support for the PSOE-GAL and the agreements with the Basque and Spanish bourgeoisie of the PNV on the preamble of the new Spanish autonomous pact, although the Basque Socialist State cannot be achieved, and all that in less than ten years.

Likewise, to refresh our memories we will mention the failed negotiating strategy (presumably a fair field of intervention, but in our case very deteriorated by France and Spain) and the continued efforts by Spaniards and Franciscans on the right of one of the few revolutionary fortresses remaining in Western Europe in recent decades. In other words, we live in democracy, we can vote freely and many get a good salary. But the truth is that democracy is the law that occupies and exploits us, and besides not being free, we have fair money or we are in a worse situation.

Time and again we will remember the same thing, there is no free future for the oppressed nation, if it is based on the legislation of the oppressor. The capitalist class will never build instruments of war (state, economic system, parties, trade unions, media, etc.) if it is not to protect their interests, their legislation and their democracy will never take account of the oppressed and exploited. We are talking about the Basque working people. Similarly, it will never allow Basque workers in their institutions (or abroad) to own their future, not even in a good way.

Unfortunately, we do not count anything new. The biggest problem for the Official and Reformist Left Abertzale is that the self-defined does not know how far their political structures will reach: yesterday with Obama and today with Trump, the POSE-GAL is considered from the Spanish left, the PNV is necessary to reach agreements of smoke. Today, in terms of interventions, pacts, alliances, their role, justifications... EH Bildu acts as yet another part of the French or Spanish system.

Unfortunately, we do not count anything new. The biggest problem for the Official and Reformist Left Abertzale is that the self-defined does not know how far their political structures will reach: yesterday with Obama and today with Trump, the POSE-GAL is considered from the Spanish left, the PNV is necessary to agree the smoke

Also, unfortunately, those of us who make this criticism have a positioning problem, so it is costing us to know where we came from, how we have come to this situation and what our perspectives are. In our view, among the revolutionaries who had class positions and who had, wrong positions were imposed, that is, moving forward together as an oppressed people. In the end, however, we have been, and are, sheltered by the small Basque bourgeoisie, and also, sheltered by all the bureaucrats and opportunists who wanted to participate in the banquet. Let us hope that the mistakes made in the past will not be repeated.

Thus, and taking into account the title of the conference, “reinsertion of political prisoners” and “peace process”, it is to be welcomed that almost all the disguise is removed and that even stronger beliefs clearly see the whole between: "Sortu Bidea, social reintegration, political prisoners and the peace process."

To those who do not yet react dialectically to this macabre political, human and ethical disaster, we will say: What do reinsertions, Sortu Bideak, the peace processes mean internationally? For the submission of the rebels with the occupying and oppressive State or with the current dictatorship of capital.

Here there is no peace process, but a process of struggle, and it is now a question of forming a socialist and revolutionary Basque national liberation movement with a clear class position, since 60 years later the main objective remains the same: Constitution of the Basque Socialist State.