Jean-Rene Etxegarai wins again in Baiona
  • In Baiona, the mayor of Baiona is not going to change mayor. On the second lap, Jean-René Etxegarai has maintained power in the Consistorial House, overcoming Socialist Henri Etxeto. Etxegarai obtained 53.81% of the votes and 46.19% of the votes, making a bigger difference than in the elections six years ago.
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In Baiona, in 2014, the issue remained very strong: The list on the right of Jean-Rene Etxegarai was imposed by 24 votes on Socialist Henri Etxeto. This year, competition has been tough. One could hardly say with certainty “seeing the first lap or putting oneself in the panorama of the second lap... X will expire.” Etxegarai (40.33% on the first lap) has stood ahead of Etxeto (29.76% on the first lap), followed by the left Mathieu Berge (11.20% on the first lap). They have been mathematically similar and, once again, the vote of the Abertzales will be decisive in the capital of Lapurdi.

In the video below you can see the moment when Etxegarai comes between applause to the village house.

The Green and Solidarity Baiona, also composed of Abertzales, withdrew from the second round, just when it was decided not to join Etxeto – the 54 supporters of the alliance, the 56 against and the six white.

Unlike six years ago, they have chosen not to keep them in the second round, which means that they are de facto not going to have elected office on the people’s council, and so every nationalist vote has had an enormous weight in the second round. Some will vote for Etxeto for Etxeto, because they find it hard to vote on the right, and others have voted for Etxegarai, aware that the latter is committed to the peace process, to the Basque prisoners and to the Basque community, but also to cut off the road to Etxeto, which is clearly against them.