Alternative Parties of Baiona: Plaza Patxa in act
  • The Gazte Asanblada de Baiona has organized a broad program in the Plaza Patxa, with the objective of serving as a meeting point for a popular holiday model, Euskaldun and feminist. The collective also presents an interactive map of the alternative urban spaces that will be completed in the coming years.
Jon Torner Zabala @jtorner 2023ko uztailaren 27a
Besta Alternatiboen irekiera ekitaldian –Les Pyrenees ostatu gaineko balkoian– Maurizia kolektiboa eta Herrian Bizi plataforma omendu ditu Gazte Asanbladak. / Irudia: Zizpa Gaztetxeak sareratutako bideotik

"Being Baiona the most important city in the Northern Basque Country, we believe it is essential that the language that is the pillar of the culture of Euskal Herria and Baiona has a privileged presence on other occasions," explains the members of Gaztetxe Zizpa. "The festivities must be the respiratory center of the Basque Country and the Basque culture and therefore, in the space of txosnas organized in Plaza Patxa, we will give the Basque the place it deserves".

They claim self-management and warn that the official holiday model based on the "restricted participation of citizens" generates "overconsumption and irresponsibility".

"The others, in the model we know, have denounced waste, waste and mass pollution," and added that the groups involved in the Alternative Festivities commit "year after year to reduce the ecological footprint". In this sense, they explain that they work with local suppliers, that use reusable materials and that they generally try to reduce waste. They have highlighted the work done by different associations working in the direction of this model change, such as Laborarien Xokoa, Patxoki, Biltxoko, Züzülük, Epaiska and Patxondo. In addition to Patxa Square, in the Züzülü area, in Patxoki and in San Andrés Square there will also be concerts.

On the other hand, they state that they want to live the festivities in Basque ("we will take Basque culture and music to the plaza") and want feminist festivities ("we will condemn and fight all kinds of violence and aggression").