LGBT+ agents denounce the bishop of Bayona for distorting what the pope said with homosexual couples
  • The Catholic Church published on 18 December in Fiducia supplicans the possibility of blessing homosexual couples. On 29 December, in another document, the Bishop of Baiona, Marc Aillet, interpreted the words of the Pope in his own way. He recommended that the priests of his diocese administer individual blessings to homosexuals and request conversion therapies. Les Bascos criticizes Aillet's manifesto. For its part, Euskal Irratia has interviewed a member of the Altxalili group.
ARGIA @argia 2024ko urtarrilaren 08a
Marc Aillet, Baionako apezpikua. Argazkia: Infovaticana.

Les Bascos: “These councils are unsustainable attacks on the principles of legality of the Republic”

In the note published by the Les Bascos association (LGTBI claims the rights of people especially in the Northern Basque Country), the Bishop of Bayona has reviewed the statements and attitudes made for many years against LGBT+ people and women. In this respect, he adds that no one should be surprised at their fragmented positions towards amateurs and reactionaries. The Association explains that this time it has taken a step further on the path of renouncing the dignity and rights of LGBT+ people. In the opinion of Les Bascos, the article published by the Vatican, Fiducia Suplicans “is a true revolution, the consent to bless homosexual couples is a gesture to Catholic people and their families”.

The association is asked by Bishop Aillet: “If they bless couples united by a homosexual relationship or couples in an irregular situation, will they not believe that this unit is legitimate?” The association criticizes that the bishop has denied the right of homosexuals to be a couple and denounces that he has urged priests to do so individually rather than treat couples. The bishop advises priests to seek a blessing to invite homosexuals to come to the church to become sexual orientation and cut off the relationship as a couple. Les Bascos refused to grant this advice. The bishop spoke of the diocesan priests of the diocese of Baiona, covering the entire continental Basque Country and the rest of the Atlantic Pyrenees.

According to Les Bascos, “these councils are unsustainable attacks on LGBT+ people and the principles of legality of the Republic.” Once again, they have denounced the mindset of the Bishop of Bayona of "backward, fundamentalist and supporter".

Altxalili Group: “The step taken by the Pope is a ttipi step”

Euskal Irratia received the opinion of the Altxalili group, which works inside Iparralde. The group representative recalls that conversion therapies are illegal and prohibited in the French State and the Spanish State. The group believes that conversion therapies are “brutal violence.” They believe that the conservatives of the Church do not want to face the orders of the Pope directly and want to retain their conservative followers. So your words get complicated.

In the interview with Euskal Irratia, the representative thus valued the words of the Pope: “The step taken by the Pope is a ttipi step, not bad, step by step, let’s see all who accept the Church.”

"The Pope is a supporter of the Gospel or the Bible, the Church needs all the approved." The interviewee speaks of the “hypocrisy of horror” within the Church, and says, for example, that in Paris there is a parish that has been supporting for 30 years that make homosexual couples and as weddings.