Baiona: resistance and call to construction from Alternatía
  • The Baiona Ttipia has been throughout the weekend a place to work on ways to prevent climate change and to work for climate justice. 15,000 citizens have come together to reflect, discover and develop alternatives and, of course, demand real changes from the authorities.
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2018ko urriaren 08a

Between applause and laughter, the Alternatiba lap has ended, which has lasted for four months in Baiona Ttipia. In total, after travelling 5,800 kilometres, dozens of citizens have been cycling for four months to consolidate a network of alternatives to climate justice and the capitalist system. Passing through hundreds of people, we are warmer than the weather! The general motto has been for militant cyclists, because that is the goal they have. An immediate goal, because the fight against climate change is not lost, but it is not won.

In addition to weaving and multiplying the network of alternatives, they have called on the lobby and in its favor to strengthen resistance against policies: “We must act massively, at all levels, to reorganize our society!”

Resistance and construction

Those who have been involved in organizing the alternative are clear that: “Be in resistance and build, block and invent, unlearn and relearn, always taking care of the side.” That is what the call read at the end of the initiative says. Live! Attac, the Human Rights League, and other structures agree with each other. They see the battle for the path of nonviolent resistance and have repeated it over and over again over the weekend, both in their songs and in their talks. But above all, we have a time count: “We can’t expect someone else to do it for us!” Because the slightest use of climate has fatal consequences for thousands of citizens. And if nothing is done, it will be too late for everyone.

From South Korea, the climatologist Valérie Masson-Delmotte has also spoken live with one hope: All UN States have adopted the Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Based on more than 6,000 scientific research, the document not only lists the consequences of 1.5 degrees of warming, but also lists the options to avoid this level of warming. Since the merger is not sufficient, the approval will have to complete the actual changes. The COP 24 summit in Poland will be held between 2 and 14 December and the real political ambition will then be made known.

Celebration and reflection.

Over the weekend, Baiona Ttipia has been the time to reflect on ways to learn alternatives and change the system. They have offered dozens of talks, an opportunity to meet experts and experts and discover new reflections: Ecofeminism, the struggle for immigrants, popular cultivation, the climate challenge or renewable energies.

Here you have the video and the photos of the day:



Photo: Jenofa Berhokoirigoin
Photo: Jenofa Berhokoirigoin
Photo: Jenopha from Berhokoirigoin.
Photo: Jenofa Berhokoirigoin