Arrola presents the story of the Etxauzia de Baigorri Palace
  • The Arrola dance group will present the Izan Baita show on 20 June in Baigorri, on Moore Square. The program will tell the history of the Etxauzia de Baigorri Palace and the decline of the Kingdom of Navarra through dance, music and theater. The pandemic has completely hindered preparations, but eventually, with a year of delay, the work that has matured for a long time will come to light. 2021eko ekainaren 11
Izan Baita ikuskizuneko entsegua, Baigorri, 2020. Argazkia: Arrola

Narration in dance

The show tells the story through dance and music, but it will also have the presence of two dramatists in the plaza. They will have the role of storytellers and with their help the story will be channeled. It is a spectacle linked to the Palace of Etxauzia de Baigorri and the Kingdom of Navarre. They wanted to show a passage from the history of our people through the dances, and for that they had the help of historian Antton Kurutxarri. The historical context of starting the spectacular lies in the prosperous and happy times of Etxauzia, and then it will fall.

Under the direction of Eñaut Zaldunbide, the group has prepared 18 dances, which have been inspired by local dances to prepare choreographies. Instead of looking outward, they wanted to create it from there; they started from the dances and the footsteps of Lower Navarre. Among other things, they wanted to look at how the steps in Baigorri were being danced on the ground or cut off.


Being Also
Essay of the show Izan Also, Baigorri, 2020. Photo: Arrola


One year overdue

The trials began in 2019 and the work was expected to be submitted within one year. However, during the last few wheezing, there was a pandemic and action was suspended. The day was completely interrupted and since then there have been a number of impediments to people meeting and continuing preparations.

Although the idea of the show is from Arrola, the initial intention was to make it public in collaboration with the Garaztarrak dantzaris group and Baztan dantzaris. Several trials were carried out together, but in post-confinement conditions it has been very difficult to continue working with the baztans. Therefore, the dancers of Arrola and Garaztarrak will be made known on this occasion.


Being Also
Essay of musicians of the show Izan Also, Baigorri, 2020. Photo: Arrola


A total of 33 dancers, 2 playwrights and 15 musicians will perform on stage, hosting more than 30 dancers. The musical adaptations have been made by Ekhi Lambert and it will be he who leads the group, based on traditional dances and songs. Lambert will also be on stage with guitar and song, along with the sisters of Xendarin and Jokin Irungarai.

Being Also

  • When: 20 June, at 16:00
  • Where: On the left wall of Baigorri
  • Tickets: are on sale since June 3 at the Oronos Spar de Baigorri. Because of the health measures, the places will be limited. Adults 15 €, 6-14 years 8 € and under 6 years free on the parents' lap.


Izan Cartel Also