About Joana
  • The other day, walking through the streets of the old town, my eyes stumbled upon a painted one that said: “Joana is coming.” "Who the hell is Joana?" I wondered. I then recalled a statement written in 1994 by the Deputy Commander of EZLN Markos. So I remembered Juana.
Karlos Aretxabaleta 2020ko urtarrilaren 21

Juana is gay in San Francisco, black in Alabama, Asian in Europe, Chicano in El Paso, anarchist in France, Palestinian in Israel, woman in Afghanistan, indigenous in the streets of Cochabamba, black panther in the calezales of Detroit, punk in Nicaragua, Jewish in Germany, communist of Spain.

Joana is the same one who will return superiority to the oppressed forever. Joana is all that spoils power and good consciousness

Basque Preso in Navalcarnero and Alcalá Meco, pacifier in Sarajevo, Mapuche in the Andes, guerrillas in Chiapas, artist without galleries or exhibitions, housewife a Saturday night, widow in Rwanda, syndicalist in the CNT, aizkolari in the last war, feather journalist, woman of the feminist movement, boring woman.

Joana is a landless peasant, a raped woman who can't contain tears, a marginalized editor, a jobless worker, an unemployed doctor, a vacant physician, a disgruntled student, an enemy and dissident of neoliberalism, a writer without readers and books, and probably guerrilla girl on the seven streets of Bilbao.

Essentially, Juana is a common human being in this world. Juana is a minority, oppressed, exploiting society that says “Enough!”. It is a collective that is not afraid to show tolerance to sexism; that sends messages without make-up. Joana is the same one who will return superiority to the oppressed forever. Joana is all that fascinated power and good consciousness.

About Juana... Sharpen your axes!

Karlos Aretxabaleta Txapel
Euskera Professor