Badator Begizta, meeting point for television channels in Euskera
  • Izarkom has created the tool to give access to all the content generated in the Basque Country. The Loop will be available from 2 January, for now at the operators Izarkom and Onaro. It will allow you to visualize the content on different devices, as well as create five profiles.
Julene Flamarique 2024ko abenduaren 11
Durangoko Azokan egin dute aurkezpena, zehazki Landako gunean Izarkom

On December 6, the Begizta platform was presented at Landako Gunea de Durango: a streaming platform that brings together Basque television channels. Inter alia, ETB, Hamaika TB, Goiena, Kanaldude and Xaloa will be issued.

The new tool has been presented by the councillor of Oñati and head of Public Telecommunications, Xabier Igartua, and on behalf of Izarkom, Iker Garaialde, director of the Telecom Cooperative of the Basque Country.

Garaialde explained that Begizta is a "bridge" for local television in Euskera to reach all Basques and Basques and to be able to access all the contents generated in Euskal Herria. It will be available from 2 January and can be seen through web browsers and smart TVs. In principle, it will be available through the telecommunications operators Izarkom and Onaro.

Creators have highlighted that, like most streaming platforms, it will allow you to reproduce content on multiple devices, change playback control, and create five user profiles.