Who knows why, but I fear that this is a practice that comes from the Catholic tradition. According to Catholic beliefs, if you repent before you die, God forgives everything you have done and gives you the prize of being in your bosom for the whole eternidad.No is a very attractive reward, but at times when life was so hard, it might have been fascinating to be in the arms of a bearded god (or feathered god, because he had the habit of adopting a form of pigeon).
As if it were to remain in that attitude, it seeks to resolve the barbarity that many people have done throughout their lives. In the case of public figures, this trend is particularly marked by people who have had great power. Many of the Middle Ages’ Sadistic kings spent their final years in the wonderful monasteries, even some of the leaders of the transnational corporations have become philanthropists since the hair starts to turn blue, and some of our politicians also want to write sweeter verses in the last lines of their biography.
The truth is that, although I am as atheist as a pagan, I have allowed days of "mourning" before starting this article because I respect the pain of anyone's relatives as a sign of solidarity between human beings.
We have seen this attitude when it comes to murdering Jeltzale leader Xabier Arzalluz.
The truth is that, although I am also as atheist as a pagan, I have left days of "mourning" before starting this article because I respect the pain of anyone's relatives as a sign of solidarity between human beings.
However, after a few weeks, and breaking the umbrella to suffer a downpour, I would like to give my opinion on the politician of Azkoitia, because in my immediate environment there were many decisions of his hand. Indeed, not only in my environment, but also in the thousands and thousands of people, the action of the former Jesuit had a direct influence. A very influential person, and probably because of that, it's been right to say that it was "Statesman," although often the word "Statesman" makes me tremble.
In recent years Arzalluz wanted to symbolize the changes of direction - holding the umbrella in his hands since he began singing "Eusko Gudariak" - he cannot erase what he had done in the years of plenitude. What a person does cannot be measured when he tries to whitewash the last lines of his biography, minus the biography of powerful people. The essence of their activity is measured in their “flower years”, when they were in full shape and some of the possible futures were possible. That is why I agree with your successor, Mr Andoni Ortuzar, of the praise we have heard, for once, and hopefully the last one. "We owe the present PNV to Arzalluz."
As a Member of the Spanish Parliament, Xabier wanted to vote in favour of the Spanish Constitution, against the order of EBB. In an interview with Mercedes Milá, the future leader of the PNV confessed that he preferred a king in Spain rather than the Republic.
On the day Hego Euskal Herria said no to NATO in the referendum, Arzalluz voted "YES" and I remember well. There was only the ability to vote "yes" or "no," and San Ignacio's fan wrote "YES" hand in hand. Of course, his vote was not counted as null, because at that time he was an ally of the PSOE, and like Mr González, he was a NATO enthusiast and, indeed, a rival to the commitments we were fighting against military service.
It was also one of the drivers of the nuclear power plant that was intended to be built at Lemoiz. Through his typical dialectical cabriolets, he accused us of being "azajaleadores" the independentists; he wanted to justify Lemoiz's as an instrument of sovereignty. Subsequently, it was the dependence and the beginning of the bondage of Iberdrola and, in general, of the energy multinationals, the pattern that the leader of the PNV took in those years.
The son of Azkoitia also has a large outstanding debt in Donosti Euskaltzaleak. Thanks to him, Odón Elorza suffered for 20 years. Elorza agreed to the mayor by a personal decision of Arzallus, as Odón did not win the elections. EA and EE won the elections for the second time in the Gipuzkoan capital, but Xabier couldn't forgive it. Since then, San Sebastian, where the restless Basque renaissance was imposed, transformed and oxidized to the measure of Odón, Ernesto Gasco and others, until it became the Noriano Theme Park we have.
The historic Navarros Jeltzales also suffered the brutal shaking of the former priest's command rod. Arzallus was a demanding and authoritarian leader with those at home, but docile with the powerful. He crushed the entire PNV of Navarra knowing that he was igniting the spark of the split of the party. The Upper Navarre was hindering the president of BSE. From that moment on, Ipar Euskal Herria and Nafarroa Garaia were left out of the plans of the PNV, since to ensure the hegemony of the PNV and to strengthen the undeniable authority of Xabier it was necessary to divide Euskal Herria.Desde then, the Basque Country was eliminated; the Euzkadi-Euskadi-Basque was recently judged Basque "The cambo is not in the Basque Country."
Our Prince
According to some experts, Machiavelo found the source in several historical characters, including the Catholic Fernando de Aragón. I'm sure Machiavelo XX. Had I been born in the Basque Country of the 20th century, I would have been inspired by Xabier Arzalluz. The Jeltzale leader did not have great ethical limits to achieve the political goals, saying, "Some of us hit the tree, some of us collect nuts," he explained very clearly.
Master of Machiavelism, he was for years the policy guide of the three western countries of the Basque Country. It changed the character of the PNV, collecting all the springs of the political caste, extending secrecy, using tricks, expanding fellowship, weaving client networks, multiplying pharaonic infrastructures... all for its benefit, because "Male-States" cannot, in most cases, distinguish their interests and desires from the needs of citizenship.
During the years of Xabier Arzalluz's "iron reign" he found a faithful partner: PSOE. The Azkoitiarra did not like the "donkeys", but much less those on the left. He placed the left-wing Basque being at the top of the heresy. Therefore, from the hand of Felipe González, since the PSOE ceased to be a Marxist, he forgave them that it was "Hezurbeltz" RH+. He offered and asked for help to all the currents of Left Nationalism to carry out a permanent and unwavering war. We owe this alliance to the governments of Ardanza, the militarization of the Ertzaintza, the normalization of the Spanish...
As a Member of the Spanish Parliament, Xabier wanted to vote in favour of the Spanish Constitution, against the order of EBB. In an interview with Mercedes Milá, the future leader of the PNV confessed that he preferred a king in Spain than the Republic.
After the war, Ajuariagerra invented "bizefalia" to defeat Agirre, and Arzalluz turned it into a "doctrine." The president of EBB did not take part in the elections, did not stand in the elections and did not stand in the elections to be the most humble councillor. There was no danger. Thanks to the total control of the internal structure, the final president acted as a "Real Politico" and distinguished the representation of the work very well. The representation, which was developed with mountain boots in Alderdi Eder and Aberri Eguna, caressed the carpets and carpets of "real Politik" in the offices of the Rey, Iberdrola, Repsol and González and Aznar.
Bizefalia was a play of two spirits of the PNV. The guidelines of Josu Jon Imaz and Joseba Egibar were the bait created by Arzallus itself. From the moment Arzallus took office, the PNV disappeared definitively, a lesson that Ibarretxe himself paid heavily.
Obviously, Arzalluz was a very influential person. However, it is now time to turn on the lights in the places that this long shadow covered, to explore other ways of doing politics, to definitively stop some forms of political being, to start repairing the Arzalluz massacre, to undertake an emancipatory and transformative initiative for the whole of Euskal Herria, to build Euskal Herria on the left, with Basques of all origins. I had to acknowledge it, Arzalluz is not mine; Arzalluz did not want me.