It is time, the official Basque country and it is now!
Haizea Ramirez de Alda Sugoi Etxarri Euskal Herrian Euskaraz @EHEbizi 2022ko abenduaren 13a

On December 15, the "Basque Law" will be 36 years old. 36 years since the division of Nafarroa Garaia in three areas. 36 years since the division of our linguistic rights into three areas. Living in Basque as an option associated with a specific area.

Since then, we Basques have been officially excluded from most of the territory. Being born in Viana, Peralta or Fustiñana, we are condemned to live the Basque as if it did not exist. In Auritz / Burguete, Altsasu / Bera we have not guaranteed the use of Euskera in the administration or in the health center. And let's not say in Pamplona, Tafalla or Sangüesa. In a single administrative area, citizens have more or less legal rights depending on where they are. Injustice is where, and in Nafarroa Garaia. The hand of Irulegi has clearly taught us in Upper Navarre that Euskera has its own language. Lingua Navarrorum.

The language policy against Basque and Basque is planned. In fact, this law aims to prevent the normalization of the Basque Country and maintain its situation of dependence. Since the change of the Government of Navarra took place in 2015, the last two legislatures have planned to address different policies in different areas. Regarding the normalization of the Basque Country, however, there have been some improvements, but these have been very limited. Although we have seen some small measures in favour of Euskaldunisation, we have also seen setbacks on some issues, and have not had the will to overcome zoning, which is the main obstacle to Euskaldunisation, both the parties that have been present in the last two governments and those that have supported these governments. They deliberately decide to put the issue of zoning in the drawer.

This cannot continue. This being so, the legislature starting in 2023 must be to bring about profound structural changes in the guarantee of linguistic rights. During a third legislature, Euskera and Basques cannot be marginalised. We cannot accept that the Basques should remain second-year Navarros. Are these Basque and progressive parties ready to continue the injustice of zoning? At least not the Basque people. Enough. It is time to respect the linguistic rights of the Basques. We need a new law guaranteeing the recognition of linguistic rights throughout the territory, which makes the Basque official throughout Nafarroa Garaia. We talk about social justice.

We want to call all Euskaldunes to live in Euskera and demand what we have to do. Only the activation of citizens can achieve and eliminate the current exclusionary law. Thus, on 15 December, at 7 p.m., we will meet with the Parliament of Navarra. It is time, the official Basque country and it is now!

Haizea Ramirez de Alda and Sugoi Etxarri, members of EHE