The accused of 13/11 are calling for compliance with Bilbao and are grateful for their support
  • The trial for these events will take place on 16 September in Madrid. The accused have called for past repressive strategies to be left behind and for an "agenda of solutions" to be put in place for prisoners and political escapes. Demonstrations have taken place in their villages on the weekend.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko irailaren 09a
Auzipetuen agerraldia. Argazkia: @47akHerrian.

The indictees in Macrojudgment 11/13 gave a press conference in the absence of a week for the mobilisation called for on 14 September. They have considered that the judgment "moves in a direction contrary to the will of society" and is a continuation of "repressive strategies of the past". In order to break this past, in addition to ending procedure 11/13, the case of political prisoners and exiles would require a “solution agenda”. In view of the prospect that this solution will be brought through social mobilization, they have encouraged the citizens to fill the streets of Bilbao.

Asked about the possibility of reaching an agreement before the trial, the defendants have explained that there is currently no agreement on the table, but that they do not rule out the possibility: "We are open to all possibilities. We would analyze it and we would decide it responsibly, but we go to Madrid for trial."

Wave of solidarity

Since the date of the trial, the defendants have stressed that they have received a “wave” of solidarity from the citizens, expressing their gratitude: “We are happy with the support received.”

It is precisely this weekend that the support groups of the peoples involved have organised dozens of initiatives in solidarity with their neighbours and neighbours and have called to demonstrate in Bilbao.

Below, some of the weekend mobilizations: