The demonstration on Saturday in Sare has received many support.
  • The call is driven by political parties such as the PNV, EH Bildu and Podemos, as well as by the unions ELA, LAB, UGT, Steilas, ESK, EHNE, Etxalde, Hiru, CNT and CGT, among others. Sare has called on citizens to mobilize to “consolidate” the change in prison policy.
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Sareren aurreko manifestazioa bat, Donostian: Argazkia:

In their last appearance on the Saturday rally, Sare spokesmen recalled that ten years have passed since ETA abandoned the armed struggle, and stressed that the option that was opened has been used “half-heartedly”: “Because we believe that no one expected, after ten years, that the Basque prisoners who were already members of that disappeared organization would not have a just solution to the violation of rights”. In the words of Sare, steps are being taken to respect the rights of prisoners, but the emergency policy and legislation is still in force and its repeal is essential: “If they had told us ten years ago that today 56% of the prisoners would be in prisons outside Euskal Herria, at an average distance of 250 to 600 km from their homes, we would not have believed it.” Sare spokesmen have said that street mobilization is essential to achieve respect for rights.

Multiple protections

In recent days, Sare has announced on social networks the support received by the Saturday call. Among the political parties, PNV, EH Bildu and Podemos have supported mobilization; among the unions, ELA, LAB, UGT, Steilas, ESK, EHNE, Etxalde, Hiru, CNT and CGT; and the social agents Hitz and Hitz, Etxerat, Bake Bidea. In addition, a representation of Catalonia will attend the demonstration. Carme Forcadell, Oriol junqueras and Josep Rull, among others, will act in the Gipuzkoan capital. At the end of the demonstration, Sare announced that the Catalan group Gatibu will offer a short concert at the Euskalduna Palace.