Is there a way out?
Patxi Aznar 2023ko urriaren 27a

It is increasingly clear to me that the United Nations is designed to convince citizens that there are effective mechanisms to prevent hostilities in the world, but the reality is different because they allow hostilities to intensify with their mode of operation.

This way of thinking is not the result of my imagination, it has a solid foundation, since from the nineteenth century wars were financed with private capital, so since then they were big business.

In the United Nations, only five countries are entitled to veto on the Security Council: United Kingdom, China, Russia, USA and France. It is therefore clear that they have an undemocratic structure.

If we look at the recent clashes, the Sahara, Ukraine or Palestine, we realize that the United Nations is not able to defend international law firmly. Thus, the technique of triggering war is the following, with the approval of the large media, which allow the relations of the warring parties to be destroyed, until the group of people who suffer the most explodes. This is an attack on Gaza and Palestine, as the number of young Palestinians killed in cold blood by the Israeli army in the last year exceeded 200. At this point, I should like to point out that everything that has been mentioned so far is independent of whether or not Israel knew the attack by the Hamas organisation, or has been a perfect excuse for ethnic cleansing in the Gaza Strip or covering some important issue.

Questions can therefore be very diverse: Do we deserve the United Nations to function properly? And so, if that is the case, why are the United Nations malfunctioning? To begin with, we have to say that in this organization only five countries are entitled to veto on the Security Council: United Kingdom, China, Russia, USA and France. It is therefore clear that the United Nations has an undemocratic structure. In addition, these five countries are the world’s largest arms manufacturers. In the end it is very sad to say, but these countries use the United Nations to consolidate their arms business, and in the end they put their interests on people’s interests. I believe that the only way to put an end to this crazy wheel is to realise, and for this it is essential that the people have their own sources of information.

Patxi Aznar Bellido