IKAS achieves that the students of the ikastola Urola in Azpeitia receive a subsidy for transport
  • The student self-defense network IKAS of Urola Erdia and the AI reported in January that the bus service to go to school cost €300 per year for each baccalaureate family. Then the struggle was blocked and yesterday the victory was announced: They have received a grant of EUR 125 for the 50 students who use the service.
Gedar @GedarLangileKZ 2022ko apirilaren 29a
(Argazkia: GEDAR Langile Kazeta)

The members of the student self-defense network IKAS of Urola Erdia have appeared before the ikastola Urola de Azpeitia (Gipuzkoa), and thus announced their last achievement. From now on, the baccalaureate students of the ikastola Urola will be able to apply for a subsidy for the bus service to the centre; at the moment, the 50 students who use the service have received support of 125 euros per year.

IKAS of Urola Erdia and Ikasle Abertzaleak launched in January the bus service for the families of high school pupils: EUR 300 per year. Faced with this question raised by the students, the center answered that the option of attending high school "is an arbitrary decision of the students". Given the "seriousness of the situation", the students went to the struggle with the objective of having the management of the center assume the expenditure of the bus service. The students began to meet and meet with the management.

One step

According to IKAS, public transport is "a necessary resource for many schoolchildren", but it has also denounced that this cost often falls on the families of pupils attending classes. Thus, he pointed out that "the expenses of the learning process increase considerably". In this sense, IKAS has emphasized that the cost of the bus service that the center pays is "an important step in the material conditions of the student worker".

It has linked these deficiencies in the transport service to the "decline" of the quality of public education: "From IKAS we believe that cutting bus services, coupled with cutting many other services, is nothing more than a new expression of the decline in the quality of public education in recent years. Cuts in services are made at the expense of the working class, which has to cope with the damage caused by cuts. In addition, in the absence of these services, many families have great difficulties in meeting the expenses required by the learning process".

IKAS members have stressed the need for a "free transport service" and have therefore announced that "they will continue to work on the road to achieving this goal". "What has been achieved is nothing more than a step towards an educational model that, far from understanding victory in isolation, is free, of quality and universal. Because that must be the goal."