Next week, Elkar will launch a permanent initiative against the betting house opened by Reta in Balentina Agirre Square. The project will start on 17 January and until 14 March, every Thursday, the groups of six people, in turn, will concentrate and distribute propaganda in front of the premises.
The company Reta opened a betting house on October 31 at Balentina Agirre Square in the Basque town. The Elkar-ekin group launched a few months ago the campaign of social pressure against the betting house. Since then, several protests have taken place, as well as a collection of signatures, which have been rejected. In particular, a total of 1,636 citizens signed the betting house, which was endorsed by the unions. In addition, the group has also organised talks to socialise the issue and has shown its intention to continue working along the same lines for the future.
The Azpeitia City Hall also showed concern about the possible consequences of the betting house and sent a note to the Basque Government requesting information and report on the "impact" they can generate in the locality. In addition, he said he would make "all means at his disposal" to avoid "the negative effects" of the betting house, according to his calculations.
Based on the rise of betting houses and online gambling, the theme that brought the city was last December. To complete the report, Uztarria interviewed two dependents, a family member of one of them and the director of an addiction center, among others. In the next link you can read the full report.
This news was posted by Uztarria de Azpeitia and we brought it to ARGIA thanks to the CC-by-sa license.