Looking from the exhibition stand
  • Putting on the table the work of the whole week in the post every morning. Berza, carrot, apple and nuts, same month cured cheese or freshly packaged honey. Cars, capáxos and backpacks start the journey. Buy fruit one, bread the other, prepare a menu for food with friends…
Mattin Jauregi Inaxio Arin Balerdipeko erleak @balerdipeko 2023ko azaroaren 27a
Tolosako azoka, larunbata goizetan. Argazkia:

But who has approached the fair to do their shopping? Without carts, whoever looks behind says the accounts in almost every position, but doesn't make any purchases, and whoever carries a big car goes to eat, because he gets everything.

The fair is not a bad place to count and listen, to wonder why you have not taken the leeks as nice as those in the post, or why the honey is darker than the previous week…

The treatment is correct among sellers buyers, if it is not known by name those who spend each week know us as farmhouse. They value the product, the producer and the treatment, and so do we. Because the buyers of the fair keep alive part of the primary sector.

Shoppers who don't need to say that "This week I have honey and the next one will buy." Isn't that wonderful?

That is why we are working with enthusiasm to have the most beautiful products on the market, so that we can continue to treat our buyers.

You know, if you have time to go through the fair, there are things to see, study and buy.