200 agents call on the Basque Government to reopen trade shows
  • The Basque Government has decided to suspend the sale of CAV markets and squares, but to maintain the largest number of sales outlets. Against this, a number of actors have made their manifests and are receiving accessions to support it.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko apirilaren 10

Reducing the movement of people and avoiding aglomeraciones.Este is the argument that the Basque Government has made for trade fairs to be suspended. In the paper they point out that they are scarce arguments, “why department stores do not use the same criteria, for example, to close the shopping malls Eroski, Uvesco (BM), Carrefour and Alfield-Simply, which the Basque Government has prioritized for the sale of baserritarras products? Do you not need to travel to them? Are there no agglomerations within?...”.

The signatory groups consider that the Department of Health is not only violating the rights of the baserritarras, but is also violating the rights of buyers, as many citizens want to buy “well-known and nearby baserritarras products” in markets and fairs. They do not understand that the municipalities took steps to do so and that the Basque Government has now taken a decision on this. “It makes us think that the goal is no other.” In other words, the Government is giving priority to which businesses should sell their baserritars.

The manifesto criticizes that the administration has not contacted the groups that have signed the communiqué and that it has not collaborated with the initiatives that the baserritarras are putting in place, “on the contrary, they continue to hinder and feed other interests”.

Instead of hindering, helping

For all these reasons, the groups demand the implementation of the fairs, “always with all the sanitary measures to be adopted, as has been the case so far”. In addition, they want the administration “once and for all” to pedagogy for sustainable and sustainable local food, supporting the baserritars and the citizenry on their direct selling path.

They have also called on the public to support the trade shows held in Bilbao. In this link you can adhere to the manifesto.

The Argia working group has also joined the manifesto "We want to open markets and fairs", to be held in Bilbao.

More than 200 agents have already joined, including:

Aiaraldea Cooperative Society

Amillena Koop Small Society


Municipal Government of Antzuola ARGIA

Baserri XXI

Basherri Network

Bedarbide Association



Bizilur Association

Bizisare-Busturialdea Partnership for Sustainable Development

Butrón in Transition (BBT)

Cooperative Roots Habitat Design


City Hall of Ea

EH Bildu


EHNE Bizkaia

EKA Basque Consumer and User Association

Elika cooperation

Food Zone

Platform Elkartasuna Eraldatuz

Free Women

Foundation Ojos de Enad

EQUO Berdeak

Ereindajan Arrasate

Ereindajan Bergara

Etxalde - Sustainable Agriculture

Euskadi Cuba

Seed Network of the Basque Country


Gernika Recalling

Gursolicit Association

Igite - Association of Agri-ecological Farmers of Arratia

Fair Food

Kidekoop Association

Forests of all colours

Slow route


Labore Bilbao Association





Agri-ecological products by Larrate



Without Borders




Peace with Dignity

REAS Euskadi-Network for Alternative and Solidarity Economy

Group of Ecologists Manzanas

Collective Yellow Fever

Ecological Groups Bitxobola de Orduña

City Hall of Orduña

Flavors of Orduña

Uztarri cooperative

Zarainenea, meat and organic farming
