The latest macro-trial must lead to the political condemnation of the Spanish State
  • The ELEAK-Libre movement calls on the entire Basque society to participate in the demonstration called to denounce the trial against 47 Basques indicted in Case 11/13 to be held on 14 September in Bilbao. The macro judgment must receive a macro response.
Joseba Álvarez Forcada @josebaalvarez Ione San Ildefontso 2019ko irailaren 09a

We do not know how the legal conviction of this trial will be, since the results of the trials of the National Wisdom Hearing in Madrid are generally contrary to the rights of Basque citizenship, but we have no doubt that at the end of this trial we must obtain a political conviction against the Spanish State.

The Civil and Political Rights Movement considers that the trial, which will begin on 16 September and will last for three months, must be a political conviction for the Spanish State, since working for the rights of Basque political prisoners and their relatives in no case can be considered a crime in a democratic State. The State that did so would destroy the basic civil and political rights that are the pillars of democracy, as it would put an end to citizens’ freedom of expression, freedom of association and freedom of expression.

Furthermore, the fact that the facts that are intended to be judged in the National Hearing are after 2012, that is, that ETA has definitively terminated the armed struggle, makes the same judgment and, of course, the penalty of any kind even more unacceptable and incomprehensible. And in this situation, it is absurd to argue that the work of these 47 citizens was to strengthen ETA.

"The fact that ETA has definitively ended the armed struggle makes the same judgment and, of course, no punishment even more unacceptable and incomprehensible"

The work of Herrira, Mediators, Lawyers, ETXERAT and Jalgi Hadi on Basque political prisoners and their relatives and relatives has contributed to the end of ETA. The request of 601 years in jail for working on the political resolution of the Basque conflict and the closure of 38 web pages, a hundred Twitter accounts and facebook portals, among others, seek to criminalize the social sector that works for the solution. The real political vendetta.

In an Emergency Court, this judgment, which will be governed by the legislation of exception, will also be carried out in an exceptional situation. On the one hand, because the harsh sanctions against the Catalan political leaders will be known in the coming weeks and, on the other, because the general elections in the Spanish State will surely be reconvened. These two decisions will alter and exacerbate the political instability of the Spanish State. All this will completely frustrate the right of the defendants to a fair trial.

For all these reasons, we call for the annulment of the last macro-trial and the final filing of all the accusations against the 47 defendants.

(On the occasion of the judgment of summary 11/13, which will begin on 16 September in Madrid)

ELEAK-Libre Movement
Ione San Ildefonso. Joseba Alvarez.