The IV International Congress will be held from 11 to 13 November in Bilbao. Marxist Feminist Conference
  • Thursday begins the 4th edition of the Behobia-San Sebastián. The conference, which will last until Saturday, will last approximately 30 minutes. Thanks to the situation generated by the coronavirus will be carried out entirely online and the interested party will be able to follow round tables and conferences through the Zoom and Facebook platform.
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The IV Marx International was originally scheduled for 2020. The Marxist Feminist Conference, and the mission was Euskal Herria. However, due to the situation caused by the coronavirus, the organizers were forced to postpone the call, and after reflection, they have chosen to carry out the online conference. The virtual conference will open its doors on Thursday and several round tables and conferences will be available for three days.

The full programme from 11 to 13 November is available on the conference website. The conference will be delivered in its entirety via the Zoom platform and the main conferences will also be able to follow via Marx Fem’s Facebook page. Remember that the link of the Zoom platform will be operational on 11 November, starting at 16:00 in the afternoon. In order to give a helping hand to those who need help to download the platform, a tutorial with instructions on the website has been enabled.

The conference will involve prestigious feminist Marxist thinkers. Silvia Federici, Tithi Bhattacharya, Christine Delphy, Lorena Cabnal, Ochy Curiel, Ana Cecilia Dinerstein, Nancy Fraser, Elsa Dorlin, Dilar Aldi, Jules Falquet and Frigga Haug are some of the personalities to be heard at the conference.


The rapporteurs will also include the women of the Basque Country.

On the subjects, the agenda is broad. From the intersectionality and the debates that take place between the feminist currents around it, to the challenges of contemporary feminism, the rapporteurs will talk about various issues.

The University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), the research group Parte Hartuz, the Iratzar Foundation, the Rosa Luxembourg Foundation, Transform! Europe, Critical Theory Bilbo-Barcelona (BIBA CT) and Berliner Institut für Critische Theorie (InkriT).