Denmark will limit the number of non-Western people in its neighbourhoods
  • The Danish Social Democratic Government has adopted a new racist measure which aims to set a "non-Western" population limit of 30% in the neighbourhoods over the next ten years. Eleven other racist measures have been implemented in the country in recent years.
Gedar @GedarLangileKZ 2023ko ekainaren 06a
Argazkia: Daily Sabah

Currently, Danish legislation uses the term "guetto" to refer mainly to the neighborhoods where migrants live. From now on, the Danish Social Democratic Government wants to put an end to this concept and reality: to limit the number of "non-Western" people living in each neighbourhood. For the next ten years it intends to set a racial limit of 30% in the neighborhoods.

On the pretext of avoiding the "risk" of parallel religious and cultural societies, the government has launched a new measure at the table, according to the TRT World portal. They explain, however, that since 2015 there have been a wide variety of racist measures and interventions in Denmark; in 2019 the Social Democratic Party led by Mette Frederiks entered the government, which has followed the same path.

Eleven other racist measures

In 2015, Denmark’s statements declaring that refugees are not moving to Lebanon were published in the newspapers of Lebanon; in 2017, the so-called Jewelry Act was approved, to confiscate valuable properties for migrants greater than $1,300 and to allocate the benefits obtained to pay for "their maintenance"; in 2018, neighborhoods were declared as "ghetto" if the migrant population was serving 50% of crimes.

They also recall that in 2019, just before the last elections, there were numerous acts of hatred against the Islamic community on the streets of Denmark.