The National Court records the Pegasus espionage case
  • The case of Pedro Sánchez, president of Spain, and four other ministers for mobile spies, has been closed due to the lack of "absolute" collaboration of the Government of Israel and the Justice, owner of the Pegasus program.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko uztailaren 11
Pedro Sánchez Espainiako presidentea eta Defentsa ministro Margarita Robles. / Argazkia: Pool Moncloa, Fernando Calvo.

Spanish National Court Judge José Luis Calama has announced that the Pegasus spying case will be filed. According to this, Israel, where Pegasus is, has shown a lack of "total" legal cooperation; it has not yet answered the request for rogation submitted and is one year old. According to the judge, “revealing secrets” is one of the crimes that have followed the case and “endangers the security of the State”. Cancelled

Integration of the Pegasus computer program in the motives of the Spanish president, Pedro Sánchez, and the ministers of agriculture, Margarita Robles, Fernando Grande-Marlaska Interior and Luis Planas. During the years 2020 and 2021, as El Salto recalled, mobile phones were “contaminated” on several occasions. But they asked Israel for help to testify to NSO GROUP, owner of Pegasus.

Without an answer, the magistrate advances that the only path left is the diplomat.