The Supreme Court rejects the application of the procedure brought by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa in relation to the language profiles of Uliazpi
  • In February 2023, the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country annulled the linguistic profile corresponding to the call for work of 34 caregivers of the Uliazpi Foundation. The Foundation committee and the Provincial Council denounced the ruling. The Council of Euskalgintza has pointed out that judicial aggression continues: “Without changing the instruments we have before us it will be difficult to deal with the aggressions of the courts”.
ARGIA @argia 2024ko maiatzaren 17a
Uliazpi Fundazioko langileek 2023ko martxoan egindako elkarretaratzea. Argazkia: LAB

The Council has made statements after hearing the Supreme Court ' s resolution. He has placed the final resolution within the framework of judicial aggression and has pointed out that the road is “the construction and implementation of new instruments to move forward, go to another scenario”. The jurist Iñigo Urrutia, taking into account the Galician and Catalan regulations, referred to the proposal just made by Idurre Eskisabel, Secretary General of the Basque Council.

The workers expressed their opposition to the judgment

In February 2023, the majority of the Uliazpi workers' committee opposed the Basque ruling. It was called "serious aggression" against workers, users and family members, signing the declaration. LAB and ELA signed the declaration. CCOO refuses to sign.

Both unions explained that the workers made a great effort to obtain a place and that they expected more than 15 years for the elaboration of the OPE. They said that the bases of the call for the public post were unanimously approved by all those who held the trade union representation in the Commission when approving the Euskera Plan. "The judgment violates the institutional duty to guarantee the linguistic rights of citizens".

Necessary to communicate with users and families

Uliazpi is a foundation of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa that works with people with intellectual disabilities. Therefore, the staff who signed the declaration said that knowledge of the language is "fundamental" for carrying out educational tasks in it, to communicate with users and families. They stated that the sentence made a "serious mistake" by confusing the right of every person to access public employment with the need to fulfil the conditions for a given position.

In 2022, the San Sebastian Court ruled on the origin of requesting Euskera in competitions to cover 34 places of caregiver at the Uliazpi Foundation. In February 2023, the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country suspended the sentence.