Supreme Court sentenced musician Pablo Hasel to nine months in prison
  • They accuse him of "exaltation of terrorism" and of "insults to the Monarchy and the Security Forces". “Once again it has been shown that there is no freedom of expression here,” says the Catalan rap singer.
Mikel Eizagirre 2020ko ekainaren 09a
Pablo Hasel azken epaiketako hitzartzean.

The Supreme Court has today ratified the decision of the National Court of Appeal and has reduced to nine months and one day the penalty that was originally two years and one day in prison.

Hasel has warned that the sentence is not limited to nine months, which causes a distortion in the presence of sanctions that worsen the penalty: Because I can't pay her, and because I wouldn't pay her even if I could pay her, the prison sentence is higher. The singer already demonstrated in the trial that these are objective facts, but regretted that "what is condemned is the same".