For Ipar Euskal Herria, the claim for the Statute of Autonomy is rooted in a long history. In 1947, Jean Etcheverry-Aintchart introduced a bill. The Abertzale movement then made other proposals for years: Defended by the EHAS movement in the legislative elections of 1978; in 1983, Iparretarrak put on the table the concept of autonomy as a confluence of objectives and struggles. In 1993 it launched a concrete proposal for a Statute of Autonomy; in 1994 the project of autonomy of the collective "Autonomia Eraiki" was known; and in 2007 the Batasuna presented a proposal of autonomy.
In 2012, EHBai committed itself to an autonomous territorial community with broad competencies. However, at the first congress held in autumn 2022, it decided to define the political bases for a new statute of autonomy. After two years of reflection, the time has come.
This HBai decision is in a given situation. The influence of the Basque and independence movements in the various stateless nations that exist in the French State is increasing. Paris has therefore been particularly encouraged to talk about the evolution of political statutes in countries such as Polynesia, Canakyan or Corsica. A new “modus vivendi” between the centralized French state and stateless nations is needed. Therefore, EHBai considers it essential to link Ipar Euskal Herria with this claim.
Ipar Euskal Herria has been in a process of self-organization and government since the creation of the Single Commonwealth of Iparralde. A first political recognition has been achieved, with the possibility of implementing several public policies at the territorial level. However, the College has shown its limitations due to its limited capacities and competences to face the challenges we have in the territory. With a view to recognition, we need to open a new political cycle. In this sense, the need to incorporate the perspective of another political statute in the political scenario of Ipar Euskal Herria is evident. Moreover, in Hego Euskal Herria it is also an open debate on the political statutes, at a time when we can look to the future from a country perspective.
Autonomy is a concept widely accepted in Europe, in the panorama of the continent, which is nowhere anachronistic. On the contrary, the Jacobin point of view is the one that is obsolete. In order to reach a statute of autonomy in Ipar Euskal Herria, EHB will propose two steps: the formalization of a political agreement with the French State that takes into account the basic specificities of Euskal Herria and, in this sense, the special mention of the Basque People in the French Constitution, as in the case of Kanaky. For the effectiveness of the Statute of Autonomy, it will also include legislative, fiscal and fiscal powers. EHBai believes that it is time to open a new institutional stage, and will present this ambitious challenge to citizens and stakeholders on 14 December, so that, with the consensus of all, we can create a new project for the territory.