The Lurrama of this year is celebrated in Arbona to celebrate the triumph of the occupation
  • Lurzaindia and ELB have reported that the occupation of Arbona by Lurzaindia and ELB ends on 24 October, as they have managed to remove the buyer. On 24 October it will mark the 120th and final day of occupation and there will be the special branch 2021.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko urriaren 19a
Argazkia: Enbata.

Lurrama has presented this year's special edition as follows: "In most cases, the land is considered as a support: to build our roads, train paths, work areas or houses, and increasingly, for the pleasure of some rich. This had to have happened in Arbona, on land of 15 hectares. This form of land grabbing has led the OECD and the Lurzaindia Labour Party to say ASKI on 23 June. Since then there has been a long occupation and after 4 months, October 24 will stay with Lurrama."

In this year’s special edition, they have chosen as the slogan “Teslurra,” “jatekoa”: "If we eat what is close to our home, we protect cultivated biodiversity and native breeds, we save energy, minimizing transport, among other things. We also take the path to sovereignty, which pushes us to eat food that today is produced economically at the other end of the world, the liberal and capitalist system that we suffer. In March 2020, with the widespread pandemic, we were able to see the limits and stoppages of this kind of dependence. Faced with the fear of scarcity, supermarket shelves were being emptied, consumers have realised that near their home there were producers and that they could consume unequally. That is why land is the resource we must protect. It is not endless, and once the land is artificialized, it will never return to agriculture, it will no longer be a food producer! And if we keep artificializing, we're not going to stop eating. Therefore, our food will be produced in another place, where the people of that place will consume the productions of another place."

Will present in Lurrama a paper on the amount of agricultural land needed by 2050

In Iparralde, between 2015 and 2018 more than 2,450 hectares of farmland have been lost, according to Sade data. According to a study by the EHLG, to feed the number of people who have increased during that period, 6,000 hectares of farmland were needed. In Lurrama, we will present the work on the soil needs of 2050, based on the food needs of the population in which it is developed. Lurrama has announced that in this work two types of food will be studied: "On the one hand, what we have today and on the other, what we should have based on the culture model that we defend and protect the climate, health, the environment."

Lurrama has claimed that young people must be helped to obtain land in order to guarantee food sovereignty: "We believe that Euskal Herria has to go to food sovereignty, we have to protect the land to guarantee its feeding function, and we will have to produce more vegetables, more legumes and more fruits than now. In order to do this, we will have to help to plant young farmers, not the children of farmers by force, but also those who are outside the world of crops. For these young people, access to land is a major obstacle. Today's choices, alone or collectively, will influence the evolution of the earth and, therefore, the future of our food. ".

Special year, extraordinary formula

To show his support for the struggle of ELB and Lurzaindia in Arbona, this year Lurrama has moved his day to Arbona. "October 24 is an important date to celebrate the end of a battle, and we would like to bring our audience there. In a steamboat you can read about the land: once sold, lost. This year we will celebrate that of Arbona, which we have saved from the mill of speculation."

In Enbata you can read the organizers' directions to go by bus, bring the glasses of the house and remember that in Arbona there are no banks.