The EHZ festival will not be held this year
  • The 25th edition of the festival was to take place in Irisarri, capital of the province. However, the coronavirus has canceled it.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko apirilaren 16a
EHZ jaialdia (Argazkia: Dani Blanco)

This year’s EHZ festival was dated between 26 and 28 June 2010. However, due to the coronavirus, “due to the order to extend the major initiatives until mid-July,” the organizers decided to suspend the festival this year.

For people who have purchased tickets for the festival, the possibility of storing or returning tickets has been reported. If the ticket is saved, it will also be valid for the next festival.

Despite the suspension of the June festival, the organizers have reported that different options are being studied throughout the day: “Throughout the year, dozens of collaborators have collaborated in the organization of the 25th edition of the RSI, and although the June event is denied, we analyze the different possibilities.”