CHRONICLE | The charm of the person
  • After two years of emptiness we returned to the Atxega Palace in Usurbil. It is cold outside, the rain is also not far away and this year they have decided to make the snack before the meal inside.
Itsaso Zubiria Etxeberria 2023ko urtarrilaren 30

I have seen the first familiar faces, some that I see more often and others that have made us the meeting point of our year at the Argia Awards. Between canapés and wine, the atmosphere is softening and, speaking with one another, we hear the first blinks of the cameras, and Leire Vargas and Oihana Arana are also starting their conversations.

We're invited to sit at the table half an hour after we say hello and say to others, we're getting close to each other's place. Most of us already have the designated place and diners. “The ARGIA people take good care of me,” I thought they always put me where I will be comfortable. Ten people within the range from birth in 1936 until its foundation in 2002. Global. We have eaten well, talking about this and about it, and together with the first hazelnut given to coffee, Aner Peritz and Haizea Arana have started the act.

The ARGIA journalist, Mikel García, has read the message of the report and presented the awards: presentation of an ARGIA group, a short video, names of the winners, trophy and words of the winners.

I have lived emotionally as knowing the works awarded, listening to the words of the winners. I have admired the work carried by my mother’s last name, the creation and march of a free network in Basque and in community has smiled at me, I have been moved by the speech of those who have reminded us that we have to live to death, I have been struck by the dark shadows of torture and imprisonment until I make a muscular knot and have been kindled by the words of two adolescents fighting for their linguistic rights.

I've had the opportunity for a long time to be with the unseen, to eat with someone I didn't know, and to have a small part of the 34th edition of the Argia Awards. Pleasure.

We thank the following sponsors of this event:

  • Diputación Foral de Álava
  • Provincial Council of Bizkaia
  • Emakunde
  • Basque Government, Department of Culture and Linguistic Policy
  • Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa
  • Kutxabank
  • Labor Fund
  • Government of Navarra. Euskarabidea, Instituto Navarro del Euskera