Prioritizing social budgets
  • The proposals of EH Bildu and Elkarrekin We can the Lakua Government to approve the CAV budgets have put their importance on the table.
Juan Mari Arregi 2018ko urriaren 11
Bere exekutiboak aurkeztutako aurrekontu proposamenaren "errealismoa" txalotu zuen Legebiltzarrean Iñigo Urkulluk (arg.: Jaizki Fontaneda)

It is not the same thing that PP and PSE support the budgets – if their demands are met – or that the two leftist groups in the Basque Parliament, whose demands are much more demanding from the social point of view. The PNV, for its part, will have to state its position and decide on the support it wants for its formation. And it will do so according to its priorities.

The proposals of EH Bildu and Elkarrekin We can take up the real political and social context of this part of Euskal Herria and respond to the serious problems on the street: the situation of today and tomorrow’s pensioners – especially widows – employment, precariousness, the wage gap, social inequality, the future of La Naval, etc. It is true that the economic cost of the proposed measures must be calculated and that the Basque Government should analyse with the opposition the possibilities it has.

But Lakua has already said that it is not economically viable. Logical. This viability depends on priorities: there is money for weapons, the police and the army, or anti-social infrastructures such as the TAV; money to pay millionaire salaries for politicians, and to maintain Lemoiz’s “nuclear ghost” or military barracks.

Perhaps the minimum pension of EUR 1,080 is not possible today… but it can be negotiated in order to move in that direction. And saving La Naval means not only keeping the shipyard’s jobs, but also saving the lives of thousands of indirect and self-employed workers in the area. Everything that's prioritized can be done.