The Government of Navarra and EH Bildu sign a budget agreement
  • The agreement will guarantee a minimum income of 1.035 euros and will have as its main strategic commitment the Basque Country, health and housing. For the tenth year in a row, UPN is not going to have any impact on budgets, the most important law of each year.
Juan Kruz Lakasta Zubero Euskalerria irratia @fm983irratia 2024ko urriaren 31
Jose Luis Arasti Ogasun kontseilaria eta Laura Aznal EH Bilduren eleduna, atzo, akordioaren sinadura ekitaldian. EH Bildu

The rules stipulate that the budgets must be presented to Parliament by 1 November. And that presentation will be made today, thanks to the agreement reached yesterday. They'll come in.

For the fifth year in a row, the foral executive and EH Bildu have reached a budget agreement with the foral government. For the tenth year in a row, UPN is not going to have any impact on budgets, the most important law that is passed each year.

Laura Aznal: “We have set the direction to move forward”

In the course of a long morning of negotiation, the agreement was signed yesterday at noon. “We are not in the situation we were in ten years ago. In Navarre we have set the path to advance in the social, economic and democratic sphere, and the long-term view and role of EH Bildu are being decisive in this,” said the spokesman of the sovereign force, Laura Aznal.

Government forces will have EUR 15 million available to make amendments to all budgets. Of these, 4.4 will correspond to EH Bildu. In any case, according to Aznal, the most important thing is the global agreement, the political commitments that have been made.

Arasti: “We have picked up the priorities we share”

“The agreement we have signed today reflects the priorities that we share the Government of Navarra and EH Bildu, nothing else,” said Finance Advisor José Luis Arasti. He recalled that last year he called UPN to negotiate the budgets and that the regionalist party did not answer him. In his opinion, this year it was up to the party leading Javier Esparza to call this mobilisation and has not done so "at all".

The agreement guarantees a minimum income of €1,035; it has as its main strategic commitment the Basque Country, health and housing; and it will approve the fiscal reform of the Basque Government.

GEROA Bai and Zurekin have also been pleased with the agreement, considering that it is moving forward on the budget line that was opened in 2015. The City Council of Pamplona is also negotiating the budgets between the PSN and the city’s government team.


The budgets will be adopted at this morning's government meeting and will be taken to Parliament at noon today. The full amendments can be tabled until 11 November and, if necessary, if they were tabled by UPN, pp and Vox, they would be voted on at the plenary session on 20 November.

Partial amendments may be tabled until 21 November and will be voted on from 9 to 13 December in a departmental way. An extraordinary plenary session will be held on 19 December to approve the 2025 budgets.