"Aunitz urte Amaiur", a celebration for Basque culture in Amaiur
  • The Euskaltegi Arturo Campión of Pamplona and the Basque Cultural Association Grupo Iruñea celebrate their 50th anniversary this year, and the Association Castillo de Amaiur and the prestigious txaranga Jarauta 69 of Pamplona celebrate their 40th anniversary this year. The anniversaries of these groups will be held on Saturday in Amaiur.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko ekainaren 10
1984-1985 Ikasturteko Arturo Campion euskaltegiko irakasle taldea. (Argazkia: Arturo Campion IKA)

According to the program they have organized, they will depart at 11:00 from the entrance of the town of Amaiur and perform a "secular pilgrimage" to the castle with two stops. The first will take place in the town square, where the dances of the dance groups Gaztelu and Iruñea will take place. In the second, the Amara Berri kantuz group and the Irurita dance group will also act.

Next, Xabier Irujo will offer a conference in which the songs of Pottoka and the sound of the Navarros albokaris will intervene. The four honoured groups will then read their statements expressing their commitment to the defence of Basque culture, folklore, language and history.