The dance of the chair has already begun: What are the latest moves between the parties to form city councils on Saturday?
  • This Saturday the City Councils of Hego Euskal Herria will be set up after the elections of May 28. In some municipalities there is no doubt about who will be the pole of command, but in others the balances of force are not clear and the parties have started movements to protect the candidates. We have done a small review with some peoples.
Urko Apaolaza Avila @urkoapaolaza 2023ko ekainaren 15a

In the municipal elections of 28 May there were significant changes in the number of votes in many municipalities, abstention, the increase of EH Bildu and the decrease of other parties – especially the PNV, but also Elkarrekin Podemos – has altered the balance of power and has made mathematics difficult for this Saturday in many municipalities.

The parties have already started to make some moves and we have done a brief review, with the attitude announced so far in several municipalities, in the absence of two days for the formation of municipal governments.

In Hondarribia EH Bildu said he will support Abotsaniz’s candidature on Saturday. Thus, after almost thirty years of mandate, the PNV would lose the power cane of that municipality, losing the absolute majority it already had in the last elections. You'd put yourself in Igor Enparan.

[[Narrow graphic town hall elections 2023 M28 gipuzkoa hondarribia municipalities]]

In Debbie Now the Debbie Group has reached an agreement with the PNV and would remove the mayor from EH Bildu. Thus, the national mayor Alazne Txurruka would be placed. This platform was presented to the elections with the sponsorship of Elkarrekin Podemos, and the coalition expresses its disagreement with Deba’s decision and breaks its relationship with the municipal platform.

[[Narrow town/graphic elections 2023 M28 city councils gipuzkoa must]]

In Tafalla will continue Mayor Xabier Alkuaz of EH Bildu with the Tafalla Initiative, With You and the sponsorship of Geroa Bai. The sovereign force will therefore hold office four years ago. In any case, both the PSN and PP have made movements these days with these three parties that support the municipal government, trying to get the mayor.

[[Narrow town and graphic elections 2023 M28 municipalities navarra tafalla]]

In Kuartango, the PNV needs the support of the PP councilor to remove the mayor from EH Bildu. This councilor is Juan Pablo Galán – after the resignation of the first of the list to his seat – who in 2019 was presented from Vox in the lists for the Senate of Álava. Thus, Miren Meabe Carro, a candidate of the PNV, can only be mayor with the ultra-right vote.

[[narrow chart town hall elections 2023 M28 alava cuartango municipalities]]

Andoni Alvarez, candidate for EH Bildu in Andoain, has received the support of Elkarrekin Podemos, they announced this Wednesday. It should therefore have no problem in overcoming the votes of the PNV and PSE-EE councillors. With this movement, the sovereign coalition would recover the mayor after four years.

[[Narrow town and graphic elections 2023 municipalities gipuzkoa andoain]]

In San Adrián, the only councillor who has brought Vox across the Basque Country – although it does not appear in the chart below, he eventually got a seat removed from the PP – he will vote for UPN on Saturday. In addition, they will have the support of the PP councillor and have the opportunity to remove the mayor from the socialists, with the help of the right and the right. In the last elections the PSN lost an absolute majority in that city.

[[Narrow Graphic Town Hall elections 2023 M28 Nafarroa san-adrian municipalities]]

EH candidate Bildu, Maite Ibarra, has reached an agreement to re-become mayor with the Arrigorrigaga Gara and NOA groups. With the attitude these two platforms were going to adopt, some doubts have arisen, but they will eventually support the sovereign candidature. Although it does not appear in the chart below, these platforms have been assigned a councilor.

[[Narrow Graphic Town Hall elections 2023 municipalities M28 bizkaia arrigorriaga]

In many other municipalities, the mayor and the municipal government will not be known until the last moment. In Iruñea EH Bildu has once again called for support from the PSN to appoint Joseba Asiron mayor. But about the city, once the vote starts and if Koldo Martinez de Geroa Bai presents his candidature, he is about to see what will happen and will certainly be one of the main points of attention on Saturday.

In Rioja Alavesa, in Laguardia and in Labastida, PP can obtain the mayor if it is supported by the PNV, in exchange for having popular support in other municipalities. In any case, the nationalist Aitor Esteban did not want to make any statement to say whether these movements are being made.