The Government of Navarra launches in Sakana a project to prevent unelected solitude
  • Teknoadineko Landab is a pilot project to support the elderly in Sakana. The Government of Navarra has stressed that the participation of neighbours is “fundamental”.
Olaia L. Garaialde 2024ko apirilaren 02a

Unchosen loneliness is the subjective feeling experienced when a person does not have sufficient social interactions, if desired, or when such interactions are not sufficiently of quality or are satisfied with their social needs and expectations. Although it affects all ages, some groups are more vulnerable, including the elderly. That is why the Government of Navarra wants to promote a caring community in Sakana. The objective is to strengthen the social services that operate in the rural environment, in order to offer “quality” care to the elderly in the valley.

The Teknoadineko Landab pilot project, launched in April 2023, is based on Community surveillance. The first phase has focused on diagnosis and awareness. To this end, they have gathered the wishes and needs of the elderly living alone.

In addition, the three mancommunities participating in the project, Mancomunidad de Altsasu/Alsasua, Olazti/Olazagutia and Ziordia, Etxarri-Aranatz and Irurtzun, have signed an agreement to regulate their relationship. They have therefore set up a working group in each Community whose objective is the monitoring and validation of Community actions. The group consists of staff from the Commonwealth, Health and Social Services. In addition to the involvement of the staff of the organizations, they have attended the citizenship, identifying people referent in the valley to offer training and collaboration.

Need for the Comprehensive Information System

The Government of Navarra considers the establishment and implementation of the Comprehensive Information System (SII) in the social services of each community to be a priority. This system allows communities to obtain data concerning old age and people in situations of loneliness or exclusion, as well as their identification.

These data are intended to identify vulnerable or single elderly people and approach them to know and analyze their social situation in the first person.

This will allow people participating in the programme to decide who they want to help them. In the event of not finding neighbors to collaborate in the basic tasks, the motor team will be in charge of this, joining health personnel, services and shops and neighbors to carry out the support work.

To this end, the Government of Navarra stressed that the neighbors are “essential”. They are volunteers who are in contact with older neighbors who live alone. Convey support and be attentive to the changes that occur in these people's daily lives. Contact social services if change can pose a health risk. They have produced a guide for more information.