They delay trial against Silvia by introducing new tests against the ertzaina that attacked the woman
  • They delay trial for a woman’s assault at the Getxo police station in May 2018. This is decided by the judges, after accepting the protest of the woman's lawyer who was beaten, Silvia. Silvia was detained unlawfully that year, at a supermarket door, when she came out in defense of a homeless person, because the police were harassing him. Subsequently, at the police station itself, he has denounced that he was a victim of police torture because "one of the police officers who monitored him violently". The ertzaina denounced the woman for injuries and attack on authority.
Hiruka .eus Iker Rincon Moreno 2023ko urriaren 06a

Silvia’s lawyer protests today because the Bizkaia Hearing did not allow him to conduct tests in the oral session to support the accusation against the ertzaina that hit the woman.

During the five years of judicial investigation, the defence has filed numerous appeals, because it believes there are well-founded indications that the Prosecutor ' s Office accuses the ertzaina of crimes against moral integrity, torture and counterfeiting, among others. Among other tests, the lawyer requested the inclusion in the procedure of the expert reports related to the Istanbul Protocol. This protocol is an international manual of effective investigation and documentation on torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment and treatment, and the lawyer therefore requested that a psychiatrist, psychologist and doctor who served in Silvia be declared, but was rejected in the judicial investigation, allowing only evidence of injury and not vexation.

However, in today’s sitting, and after a long debate, the court has accepted the practice of these new tests on crimes against moral integrity. Thus, the first section of the Bizkaia Court has decided to postpone the trial so that everything is held in consecutive days.

Protests by the Silvia

Getxo agents and SOS Racism launch a campaign to denounce the "police violence" suffered by Silvia. Thus, during these days several demonstrations and concentrations have been held, the latter before the Bilbao Palace of Justice. There they have concentrated to show their solidarity with the Getxoztarra woman before the beginning of the trial. However, during her stay, the Ertzaintza forces protesters to withdraw the banner as a crime of "slogan".