The Spanish Constitutional Court rejects the PP’s appeal against the Abortion Law
  • The Tribunal rejects the appeal filed by the PP: seven judges have supported the Abortion Act of 2010 and four have voted against.
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2023ko otsailaren 09a
Abortatzeko eskubidearen aldeko manifestazioa burutu zuten milaka lagunek Iruñean 2014an (Argazkia: Dani Blanco)

The Spanish Constitutional Court has rejected the appeal brought by the PP, so the 2010 law continues. Seven judges have stood in favor of the law, voting against the PP’s appeal, and four have voted against.

According to the 2010 law, abortion is free until week 14 and between week 14 and week 22 if the life or health of the pregnant woman is at risk or the fetus suffers an anomaly. If incurable diseases or malformations are found incompatible with life, there is no time to abort (in the latter case, the option is studied by a medical committee). The PP intended to put this system of deadlines into value, but the Spanish Constitutional Court has opposed it.

In addition to the deadlines, the PP has questioned the issue of minors in their appeal: the law implies a way to abort children under 16 without the consent of their parents (with the obligation to inform the parents of minors of abortion). This has also been approved by the Spanish Constitutional Court.