Arrested the man who attacked a woman in Ziburu
  • Last Friday, a man stabbed a woman and a police operation against the Ertzaintza has since been launched. The woman has suffered serious injuries to her chest, but she is not afraid for her life.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko abuztuaren 23a
Sexu erasoen aurkako elkarretaratze bat Baionan. Argazkia: @Aitzinagazte.

The 23-year-old detained man did not recognize the assaulted woman and, according to the information they provided, did not recognize the victim.

The aggression took place last Friday, according to the same source. The 40-year-old woman left the car in front of her house and as she got out of the car, the aggressor hit her head hard. The woman entered the house and the man took a knife from the kitchen, where she shrugged. The man assaulted the woman about a dozen stab wounds.

The aggressor escaped after leaving the family home. A neighbor watched as the man came out with a knife in his hand and called the police, who alerted the Ertzaintza. Yesterday, 22 August, the aggressor was arrested and brought to justice, as reported by the Foral Police.