Athletic Club fans report another chapter of repression
Athletic Clubeko bazkide batzuk 2023ko martxoaren 15a

Prior to the match of Athletic Club against Barcelona on March 12, 2023, we had several Athletic fans explored, identified, threatened, insulted and persecuted. Little, and Athletic's partner cards were stolen from Ertzaintza.

Once these explorations and identifications were completed, the Ertzaintza, totally illegally, threatened these partners who had withdrawn their partner cards: if they entered San Mamés with electronic cards, they would be penalized. Two hours after they were removed, we received a call from Athletic, with our cards in the lockers of San Mamés to move on to pick them up. Amazing and amazing.

This police abuse has no legal basis and has recently become daily against some Athletic fans. Moreover, these abuses are taking place with absolute complicity between the Ertzaintza and the club and with the complicit silence of all Athletic fans.

It is right to criticise Barcelona, to fight this capitalist mafia that has become football today, but let us not forget that Athletic Club is also part of it.

Enough! No repression!

Athletic Club members