Homophobic Painted to the Association of Atharrados Prefosta
  • The Prefosta association organizes the Bekat'uros festival, which promotes the visibility of the LGTBIQ+ collective. They denounce that tinctures have been an "attack on this work." Concentration on Monday.
ARGIA @argia 2024ko ekainaren 03a

During the weekend they have denounced in the networks the execution of LGBTI painters in the Prefost Association of Atharratz. "We will not accept aggression here or anywhere," the association has affirmed through social media, with the hashtag "homophobia is a crime," and has called a rally to denounce what happened on Monday at 19:00 at the door of the building.

The Prefosta has organized for the second consecutive year the Bekat'uros festival, a reference in human rights and LGBTQIA+ sexual freedom. The Association considers that these painted in the windows have been an attack on their work.