The Judimensiondi games room reopens its doors
  • After two years of fighting, Judimendi announced in September that the games room in the neighborhood had closed its doors. After being closed for more than two months, the room has reopened its doors, although they have not been exhausted. @topatu_eus 2019ko urriaren 15
(Argazkia: Hala Bedi)

At the end of September, Judimensiondi appeared in the Non-Dynamic Game Room: the Zarautz Game Room closed its doors two months ago. As they explained, the owner of the room could not give with whom to manage the place where it was housed.

He also asked the members of the dynamic for a meeting, aware of the awareness-raising work carried out in the neighborhood, with the will to reach an agreement. The members of the dynamic rejected the invitation to the meeting: "We want to make it clear that the members of Judimendi Joko Aretoa Ez are not going to reach an agreement with the entrepreneurs who use the game as an economic source," he added. They were pleased that the work carried out for two years had borne fruit, but did not rule out the possibility of reopening the games room. However, in statements to Hala Bedi, the members of the dynamic have made it valuable that the whole neighborhood has stood against the gambling hall.

"We've done our job, the neighborhood is against the game room."

Here is Judimendi's interview to the Non-Dynamic Play Room, a review to two years of struggle and an in-depth reflection on the triumph of having managed to close the game room.