Only one and a half years have passed since the end of the last term of office of the Basque Government and, therefore, since the members were changed. Between September 2020 and June 2024, the Jeltzale Gotzone Sagardui presided over the Department of Health at the CAPV and criticized the eleven implemented measures of its hand: the reduction of health services and their movements through private companies, the so-called 2030 Plan, the management of the COVID-19 pandemic, etc.
After leaving the public office of the Basque Government and resuming his career at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Sagardui took advantage of its merits and leaped into private enterprise. Last Wednesday, the signing of the private vitorian clinic Vithas San José was reported, of which the former counselor will be his medical director.
This is not the first time that Basque politicians have launched themselves through the revolving doors to the private business world, although, in theory, there is a commission to identify the "incompatibility" generated by having or having a public office. However, the Basque Government has not renewed since 2023 the list of ex-positions that have managed to get noses into private companies, which should be updated on its website. In the case of Sagardui, of course, the resolution of that committee has not been published either.
Former Health Advisor Jon Darpón resigned in 2019 after the controversy over the opposition to Osakidetza, and joined the Eurasia group and the private insurance Keralty Health. For its part, Ibon Etxeberria, who was part of this Department, agreed to a position in the parent company that has managed the ambulances of Osakidetza, Grup La Paun, known as the company that has violated workers' rights and the health system itself. Cases are also known of former deputy Minister of Administration Fatima Ansotegi, former Deputy Director of Quality Mayte Baciggin or former PNV President Josu Jon Imaz, for their activity in private companies. Imaz is one of the top leaders of Repsol and one of the most loyal representatives of the interests of entrepreneurs.
Arantxa Tapia Lakuako Ekonomiaren Garapen eta Azpiegitura sailburuak, Eneko Goia Donostiako alkateak eta Iñigo de la Serna Espainiako Sustapen ministroak Donostiako Norteko geltokiaren birmoldaketa proiektua aurkeztu zuten astelehenean, Donostiako udaletxean. Obraren... [+]
Bilboko Portuko Agintaritzak Rikardo Barkala (Portugalete, 1955) izendatu du erakunde horretako presidente izateko. Kargua hartzerakoan nabarmendu dute pertsona “egokia” dela Bilboko portuan agintzeko, merkataritza itsasontzi kapitain ibili izan zelako.