Seriously injured a worker at the Villava paper factory
  • A serious accident took place on the night of 13 April in the bin Solidus San AndrĂ©s de Villava, as reported by the LAB syndicate in a statement.
2020ko apirilaren 16a

It appears that the painted papers that were kept have fallen and the worker has been crushed by the agents in the area.

The LAB union has shown its support and solidarity to the family, relatives and "the working class" of the wounded: "We have transferred our availability to you for everything you may need," he added. At the same time, it condemns the accident and announces: "We will put all our strength and all our efforts to follow up the investigation of this accident, so that the reason and conditions that have led to it will not be repeated. In addition, we demand that all possible responsibilities be removed."

The Naiz media has received the ELA union's rejection of this accident, and the union has given the following information: In Navarre, occupational accident data are the worst in recent years and have increased steadily since 2012.