When we look at the future of the Basque Country, we do not all see the same picture, but we have to consider it as normal, because the eyes are not the same either. However, it does not seem doubtful where the name of Euskal Herria comes from, and that in principle the language marked the space of Euskal Herria. Therefore, being the language of the people of the place, the borders were not fixed, but depended on the speakers.
According to the movements of the Basques, the limits also moved with them. Over time, however, the space in which the Basque language was spoken was consolidated and, although the Basque language was lost by some aspects, the seven that remained in the institutions built throughout history are now called Euskal Herria. That is true, when there are no political interpretations involved.
As regards territoriality, it is true that the political level is what is evident, but I should like to add a much deeper social level. The first is the one that looks the most, but the other one I think is deeper.
I believe that the territorial strategic objective of nationalism is a broader and more internalised requirement than is required at political level. This is something that Basque society has demonstrated over time. The formation of the State is the political objective of nationalism, and the violent reaction of the State or States opposed to it. It follows what Jean-René Etchegaray says.
In the case of Basque nationalism, Spain and France will use and use all weapons, invalidating dealer projects. As we know, claiming Basque territoriality and fighting for it is not an easy task for nationalists. That is why the sovereignty that was and is the objective has not yet been achieved.
However, the results are not so negative. Because Basque nationalism has been able to make known and disseminate the image of Euskal Herria from seven countries, despite being in favour or against, which is the framework that has long taken up much of the political agenda and debates in everyday life.
We've recently seen the vibrations of the PNV, but that's not new, we've all walked without being able to climb the hill. It is a nice, not sweet, but juicy subject.
It is, of course, a harder and tighter process than many people expected. From the outside, they had to endure the aggressions that could be guessed from the states, and those that came, on the pretext of complying with the legality that they themselves imposed.
But from within, discrepancies are being plentiful and profound. On the one hand, because part of the population seeks connection with Spain and France. And on the other hand, among nationalists, sometimes for different territorial objectives, and others because tactical and economic steps are not understood in the same way.
Here and for all this we must look for insults full of pressures and threats that the Basque athlete offered at his elegant and direct step years ago.
If we were to find some connection point in the political behaviour of Basque nationalism, with such disagreement, I would cite the desire for sovereignty and the demand for the right of self-determination. And the physical framework of application of both, the seven countries that are being claimed today.
From a territorial point of view, I would say that these statements should be accepted by all nationalists, and if this were not done, a new definition of Basque nationalism would have to be made.
Intermediate steps cannot, therefore, intentionally preserve the territorial strategic objective, because the territoriality of autonomy frameworks may be a risk of forgetting the real general framework. Knowing that is the objective of the State.
In addition, what is called for at the political level must be accepted at this social level if it is to be successful, otherwise it can be regarded as fraud. This is the case when the State offers a certain degree of autonomy to calm down what the nationalist institution demands.
Therefore, when the objectives of both levels do not coincide, a connection must be built between them in order to achieve the necessary public support. That is not the case today, but it will have to be, if not with us, with future generations.
To anyone who presumes this attitude, I would like to say that, as in all nationalisms, there are many tools that are used and the elements and behaviors to maintain that objective. The Basque, the old institutions, history, customs or sports all act as elements of connection and contribute to create and strengthen the feeling of unity.
Is it so hard to understand? Are Basque athletes so wrong when they want the Basque selection to be Basque Country? And with the difference they merged – and they have – the sports floods, they are all wrong, they are absolutely “polluted” or are they exemplary? Who is or who, in the dark, denies the people the word and makes decisions?
We've recently seen the vibrations of the PNV, but that's not new, we've all walked without being able to climb the hill. It is a nice, not sweet, but juicy subject.
I believe that those of the PNV, like others, are being tightened up. And knowing that there is still a long way to go, I wish you luck in choosing your partner. Let's see.
Josu Iraeta, writer