Astrabudua will remember Josu Murueta and Antón Fernández on the 55th anniversary of his assassination
  • The event will recall the tragic events of 1969 and will also pay tribute to the defenders of historical memory.
Hiruka .eus Ander Zarraga 2024ko urriaren 11
55 urte beranduago, Erandion kutsaduraren aurkako protestek bere horretan dierdute. Hiruka

This year is 55 years since the shooting of Josu Murueta and Antón Fernández, the Francoist police of Altzaga, killed them. In 1969, both were killed in Erandio in the context of several demonstrations against pollution in Erandio. To recall these facts, the popular initiative Erandioko Oromena will hold an event on Sunday 27 October at 13:00 in Plaza Josu Murueta de Astrabudua.

The event will also pay tribute to Txetxu Aurrekoetxea, Ana Isabel Crespo and Josu Cerrato, who have been key in the preservation of Erandio’s historical memory, as well as to Josune Murueta, daughter of Josu Murueta, who died this year.