Monday will start The Old Man of Vitoria Proud! parties
  • The festivities of the Casco Viejo de Vitoria-Gasteiz will last until Sunday, with the pride of the neighborhood, self-management and participation. This is the 16th edition, with over 80 activities organized by popular movements of the neighborhood, associations, neighbors, shops and bars.
Zigor Olabarria Oleaga @zoleaga1 2024ko ekainaren 24a
Aurtengo Zaharraz Harro!ren kartela

Each year they are organised without institutional subsidies and with contributions from neighbours and neighbours Proud of the Old! parties. This year, as explained by the organization, there are more than 140 collaborating shops and bars, associations, collectives and spaces that have organized some activity, and thus have completed the programming of great diversity with more than 80 activities for all ages and neighbors: mobilizations, auzolanes, concerts, workshops, conferences, cinema, sport... All medium or small format activities organized from the neighborhood to the neighborhood.

Of all these, only a minority organizes the assemblies of Zahaz Harro!, in which their invitation to participate stands out: On Monday, the pacifier that officially starts the festivities; on Thursday, the auzolan to fix the works in the occupied pediment Auzolana; and on the great day of Saturday, the Ginkana claimed in the morning, the self-managed lunch at noon and the gaztetxe guateque at night. From here you can consult the program day by day.

Festival and revolution

Because there's only one step down to turn: Come on, neighbor! Tourist, take track! It's the motto of this year's festivities. They explain this: “The police presence, the increase in tourist apartments and the increase in the rent of housing, among other things, make it more difficult to live in the neighborhood, so when we go out to the street and get together, it is essential to share our responsibilities, anger, and struggles. Also because we understand parties as a space of transformation of the neighborhood, because from the descent to the revolution it is only a step: Make your way, neighbor! Tourist, catch track!”